Splette's Travel Blog


The last few days have been crazily busy and stressful due to work and last minute preparations. I’m renting out my room for the month to some Estonian girl. Perhaps I should clean it before I leave?
But I didn’t want to do all the packing in the very last minute since I’m pathologically forgetful. So for the last few days, whenever I thought of something important that I definitely have to bring, I would just find it and throw it on the black carpet in my room. My diving license, that camera charger, the proof of my yellow fever vaccination, nose hair trimmer etc.
Slowly the carpet filled up but when I actually packed everything into my backpack and hand luggage an hour before I left, it really didn’t seem so much.

Here, have a look for yourself:
Backpack contents

Packing for vacation is an art in itself, really. I remember my first trip to Australia 13 years ago where I could hardly carry my backpack for more than a short time. But the longer I’ve been traveling the lighter I pack. This time I’m not taking any jacket and just one pair of jeans. If you run out of shirts, socks or underwear you can always buy new ones there. Or wash them. This time I’m not taking any books either, apart from a tiny Spanish phrasebook. If I realize I can’t survive without LonelyPlanet’s blissful travel advice, I can still buy the ebook online or a second hand hard copy at the hostel.

The backpack felt suspiciously light when I put it on. Sure I didn’t forget anything? Too late to think about it, I already have to run to get my shared ride to Frankfurt…

11kg backpack
Once at the check-in counter of the airport I found the backpack weights only 11 kg which I think is my personal record for a one month backpacking trip…

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