Splette's Travel Blog


Sony Vaio Screen

107 pixels of darkness

Oh no! My overpriced, yet beloved, Sony Vaio Z laptop is in need of some repair …AGAIN! This is the third time I need to send it in within less than two years. This is a top-of-the-line laptop, I start wondering if Sony closed it’s quality control department years ago. It all started a couple of months ago when one vertical row of pixels went dead. Yes, that is exactly the same problem I sent in the laptop for last year. Well, one row of dead pixels in the center of the screen is pretty annoying. But because my warranty is valid in the U.S.. and Germany but not in Costa Rica, I kept working with that annoyance, trying to ignore it. Apparently, my laptop doesn’t like getting ignored (who does). so when I woke up one day I found 107 rows of dead pixels. In the center of the screen. It looks like someone stuck some gaffer tape across the screen. That’s not cool and impossible to ignore. Conveniently, the warranty expires within a few weeks – before I return to Germany. I hope I can convince Sony Support that it’s okay to report the damage now but let them repair it in December. If I get lucky, I get to talk to that Indian call center boy from last year again who asked me to translate Rammstein songs for him…

Perhaps Sony’s quality control is not to blame and my laptop just loves traveling as much as his owner does and wants to be sent to one of the Sony repair centers in the U.S. or Germany. But I will not do him that favor.

PS. Guys, I don’t want to read any “You should have bought a Mac” comments below. Don’t jeopardize your lives…

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  • Comment by Thomas Splettstoesser — August 19, 2012 @ 9:52 pm

    I should have bought an Apple, or a Big Mac. I am hungry 🙁

  • Comment by Splette — August 19, 2012 @ 10:22 pm

    Guys, the field ‘name’ is meant for your name, not my name.

  • Comment by Loci — August 19, 2012 @ 10:44 pm

    You should have bought a decent computer! Whatever it be 🙂

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