Splette's Travel Blog


My future room? I love this style but this guy will have to move out first... (from the now! furniture catalog)

My future room back in Germany?

Yes, you read correctly – working and living. My time here in Costa Rica is very different from the kind of nomadic lifestyle I followed the past couple of months. After eight months of travelling I started to get tired in some ways. Moving to a new hostel every other day, figuring out where to find a good place to eat, laundry, an ATM that accepts my credit card, places to go out, and meeting new people and tell them the same story all over again. Don’t get me wrong, I still love to travel, but I just got a little tired. And I started to miss certain things. For example my own place. Since January I don’t have a home anymore. Over the last two months this desire for a permanent home has been growing. Eventually, I fell victim to the IKEA nesting instinct and started browsing online furniture catalogs and imagined how I will decorate my future home once this trip is over. My favorite one is the now! no.12 (here is the full pdf version). I checked apartment listings online although I won’t move to any place before May next year. And in my mind I already assembled my next desktop computer, carefully choosing every component. Ha, it’s going to be super fast and gets a new ultra-cool case. I even checked out reviews for vacuum cleaners (I’ll get this one). No kidding!

Yes, I needed this break. I rented a room in a house in San Sebastian (just South of the capital San José) where I could work without hassles. It felt a lot like home. It was very safe, clean (okay, that part did not remind me of my place in Heidelberg) and with all utilities and facilities I could possibly need (even a gym! …that I never used). For the first time in months I cooked my own dinner. My landlady Vilma was very friendly and motherly to me and even cooked for me a few times. I got spoilt. But I got much work done this month and my financial situation looks better now. This was a good balance to all the non-stop travelling over the past months and I start getting this feeling of wanting to ‘move on’ again.

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