Splette's Travel Blog


A street in the colonial town of Granada, photographed from a church tower.

A street in the colonial town of Granada.

Ahhh Granada. If you are planning to visit Central America for its stunning architecture – think again. The sad true is that most of the architecture here is rather forgettable, not to say outright ugly. But there are exceptions. Granada, on the shores of lake Nicaragua is one of them. Built in 1524 by the evil Spanish conquistadores (just kidding José) it is reportedly the first European city in mainland America. The colonial style of the buildings has been well preserved throughout the city.
We spent only one night here, so I’ll just leave you with the Wikipedia article on Granada and some photos.

The street of our hostel in Granada, Nicaragua Hmm, yummy: some meat on a market in Granada. I'm so hungry now. Just for the tourists...
One of the church towers are open to the public and offer a great view above the town. Took this pic from the tower of a church. Pretty church. There is no lack of those in Latin America.

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