Splette's Travel Blog


X-ray of my teeth. Puzzle Picture: Find the healthy tooth!
Yep, it’s been a little while since I last saw a dentist’s office from the inside. About a year and a half ago, before I left Germany. My teeth have been a little over-sensitive lately, so I figured it may be a good idea to visit a dentist before I leave on my two-month trip to the US and Europe in a week. Turns out, it was the right decision. In fact I should have come earlier. Like a year ago. Well, my Spanish is still at the level of a toddler (except for some special vocabulary such as cerveza or que rico!) but when the dentist vigilantly went through my mouth one tooth at a time and repeatedly kept saying ‘la caries‘ to her assistant I knew that can’t be good. She then started fixing the first tooth and later sent me to get the above X-ray done and gave me three more appointments this coming week.

I’m a little concerned that by the time this week is over, I’ll have Jaws‘ charming smile:

Before & After my dentist marathon

By the way, I am currently living without a health insurance and have to pay for this from my pocket. The X-ray was cheap, just 30$. Let’s see to how much the whole thing will end up.

Update: Umm, this didn’t go so well. After 4 sessions at the dentist and a trip to another place to get the panoramic X-ray done, I am $400 poorer and the teeth still hurt. It’s been over a week and I have a hard time to chew. Will have to live from soup, milk shakes and green tea frappuccino and visit another dentist when I get back to Germany.

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