Splette's Travel Blog


After Toronto I went back to New York. At the border my concerns about my 90-day visa waiver turned out to be justified. I did not get a new visa waiver when I entered the US. Therefore I will have to leave the country within a few weeks. There’s also news from Sony about my laptop. They replaced the screen. But they managed to break the harddisk. Apparently now all my data on it is lost (I got backup of the most important stuff).
So, I made the decision to come back to Germany for a little vacation and relax from all the chaos. I’ll need to reinstall all my software and finally take care of my taxes. I will be flying to Berlin in a few weeks and also spend some time at home. I probably won’t come to Heidelberg though. I’ll let you know when I know the exact travel dates…

1 Comment

  • Comment by Wolle — March 8, 2011 @ 1:48 pm

    Hey Splette,

    wenn Du in Dtld. bist melde Dich bei mir. Hab Lust auf ein paar Tage Berlin. Würde mich freuen Dich zu treffen.

    Beste Grüße,


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